Launched a series of online Happy Cafes to support NHS staff working in Dorset. The fortnightly meetings are aimed at the 50,000+ staff working in all sectors of the NHS across the county, including the region’s hospitals, Foundation Trusts, primary care networks, GP practices, local councils and care providers.
The aim is to create a warm, friendly and welcoming online place where staff can meet informally and share their interest in personal happiness, improved mental health and wellbeing in the home, the community and the workplace. Meetings provide an opportunity to meet like-minded people and discuss practical ways to deal with common issues in a fun, informative and inspirational way.
During the initial trial period, guest speakers will be talking about a range of important issues and highlighting some of Dorset HealthCare’s “Here For Each other” staff wellbeing initiatives, that include wellbeing coaching, counselling, psychological therapy and mental and physical health.
They will also be introducing the Action for Happiness: Ten keys to happier living, which is based on a simple mnemonic, GREAT DREAM which stands for:-
- GIVING (Doing things for others)
- RELATING (Connecting with people)
- EXERCISING (Taking care of our body)
- AWARENESS (Living life mindfully)
- TRYING OUT (Keep learning new things)
- DIRECTION (Having goals to look forward to)
- RESILIENCE (Finding ways to bounce back)
- EMOTIONS (Looking for what’s good in life)
- ACCEPTANCE (Being comfortable with who you are)
- MEANING (Being part of something bigger)