Jazz by the Sea Festival – featuring jazz for all.
Welcome to Jazz by the Sea Festival and a fabulous fortnight of jazz across Bournemouth and Poole.
This year we are working closely with local hotels, bars, pubs and restaurants to bring a series of jazz concerts and events throughout the two-week festival. Most of them are free and further details can be found on our website and social media pages. So this year, you can just swing by, sit back and listen to some of the finest jazz music in town whilst you enjoy a drink or dine or just relax with friends and family.
To whet your appetite, we are continuing with our popular Dorset Queen Jazz cruises round Poole Harbour starting with The Revolution Club Band on the opening Sunday 24th June and for Trad Jazz fans, Tony Waller’s Prohibition Jazz Band set sail on 1st July. In addition, on 24th June, the Metropole Street Market are organising an afternoon of jazz in Holdenhurst Roadwith the sounds of New Orleans and a selection of food reflecting the famous Louisiana cuisine.
On Friday 29th June, celebrated composer and jazz pianist, Andy Quin is giving a free lunchtime concert at St Peter’s Church in Bournemouth and on Saturday 7th July the Sound Wave Sinfonia are playing a free concert on the Lower Gardens Bandstand. Specially for jazz film lovers, we are introducing an American Jazz film night at Koh Lounge to celebrate American Independence Day on 4th July in association with the Purbeck Film Festival.
My sincere thanks go to the Festival Management team who have worked to create our fourth festival and the Bournemouth Coastal BID team who are kindly supporting us again this year.
May the Jazz be with you!