World Happiness Project
My vision is to help increase happiness and improve mental health and wellbeing at home, in the community and in the workplace around the world. Together with Chris Croft we launched the World Happiness Project with the aim of creating:-
1. A major new television series and global video stream about Happiness, Mental Health and Wellbeing
Watch promo video at:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL5gbXjKads
I am planning to create a major new television series and/or global video stream about what makes us happy and how we can achieve happiness in life and at work. Featuring interviews and discussions with international politicians, academic experts and famous celebrities who are known for their happy disposition and lifestyle. The series touches upon all aspects of happiness, including philosophy, history and importance, as well as introducing practical methods of achieving happiness in our everyday lives from around the world.
A number of script outlines and treatments have been developed that tell the story of Happiness and Wellbeing around the world. A synopsis of some of these are outlined below.
For more details contact me at:- gerry@worldhappinessTVproject.org
1.Working Title: HOW TO BE HAPPY
An informative and entertaining series of programmes about what makes us happy and how we can achieve greater happiness in life. Featuring interviews and discussions with a variety of global politicians, academic experts, famous celebrities and sports stars who are known for their happy disposition and lifestyle. The series touches upon all aspects of happiness, including philosophy, history and importance as well as introducing practical methods of achieving happiness in our everyday lives.
The How to be Happy series has universal appeal and answers fundamental questions such as:
- What are the main causes of happiness? Will more money make you happier?
- Can a person become happier through their own efforts?
- What are the most important actions we can take to secure a happy life?
For an example of what this programme will look like, see a clip from the Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUEkDc_LfKQ
A concept based on the successful “Truth about…….” television series
A series that introduces a group of celebrities and individuals from across the UK who find it difficult to be happy due to issues such as emotional/physical health, family and friends, lifestyle choices, etc
We develop a series of tests for happiness based on latest scientific principles and measurement, creating a Happiness research lab to present the results and interview leading scientists and psychologists who evaluate the results and provide practical comment.
The Secrets of Happiness series demonstrates how individuals can learn to enjoy a better, healthier, happier life.
Based on the Action For Happiness Exploring What Matters course and their growing network of Happy Cafes in the UK and around the world.
The programme introduces why happiness is important. Most people believe that happiness is a meaningful, desirable and worthwhile goal and is one of the most pleasing dimensions of human experience and emotional life.
The programme follows a group of individuals who attend an Experiencing What Matters course in the UK where they learn about GREAT DREAM – the Ten Keys to happier living and go on to form a Happy Cafe Group and practise what they have learned, finding happiness in many unexpected ways. We explore the practical steps that people can take to increase their happiness and well being. A sort of personal makeover programme for the new decade.
The Keys to Happiness series touches upon all aspects of Happiness, including philosophy, history and global importance as well as introducing practical methods of achieving happiness in our everyday lives.
2. UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing conference in Bournemouth.
The World Happiness Project has created a new partnership with Bournemouth University to launch the UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing Conference in April 2020.
The three day event will take place from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th April and is aimed at the general public as well as professionals working in Healthcare, Education, Social Care, Public Service and Local Government sectors interested in increasing happiness in the community and representatives from business and industry interested in improving mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
The purpose of the conference is to showcase examples of actions and interventions that can increase happiness and improve mental health and wellbeing in our society.
CONFERENCE THEME: HAPPY People – Places – Planet
Friday 17th APRIL – Bournemouth University Fusion Building 8am to 5pm
Presentations and discussions related to Happiness, Mental Health and Wellbeing in the local Dorset community. The event will present evidence and showcase examples of happiness based actions and interventions that can be used to improve community mental health, happiness and wellbeing. Experiential activities including yoga, meditation, forest bathing, laughter therapy, mindfulness, etc.
Saturday 18th APRIL – Bournemouth University Fusion Building 8am to 6pm
Presentations on themes related to national and international Happiness, Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Community and in the Workplace hosted by Chris Croft, author of The Big Book of Happiness.
Keynote Speaker: Sir Anthony Seldon, Author and Co-founder of Action for Happiness Movement.
Guest Speakers: Dr Paul Litchfield, Chair of What Works for Wellbeing; Mo Gawdat, One Billion Happy.
International speakers including Prof Sonya Lyubomirski, University of California; Meik Wiking, CEO Danish Happiness Research Institute and well-known authors, Suzie & James Pawelski by video link.
Various UK speakers including Julia Seibold and Dulcie Batt on Happy Cafes and Exploring What Matters.
Experiential activities including yoga, meditation, forest bathing, laughter therapy, mindfulness, etc.
Charity Music concert at St Peter’s Church on behalf of Dorset Mind mental health charity.
Sunday 19th APRIL – various locations in and around Bournemouth and Poole Harbour 7am to 1pm
Beach sunrise gathering. Forest bathing experience. Exploring sea shore, wildlife and nature tours.
Experiential activities and taster sessions related to happiness, mindfulness and wellbeing.
Call to action on local, national and global Happiness and Wellbeing.
(Due to Coronavirus pandemic, was postponed and replaced with a conference video stream on our YouTube channel. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf0hSTEiI6E&t=42s)
For more details visit website at https://www.world-happiness-project.com